El Paso Law


Digital Evidence




First Gov - Main Federal Gov't Location a good place to start


UCMJ - Uniform Code of Military Justice

Court Martial US Constitutional Approach

Federal Sentencing Guidelines Manual

US Supreme Court Resources

US Supreme Court Cases Direct Search Link

Federal Judicial Center

Federal Rules of Evidence

Fifth Circuit, US Court of Appeals

United States Code

United States Code Title 18

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)

Federal Register (1994 to present) 

Federal Courts Law Review (Federal Magistrate Judges Association)

Historic Decisions of the US Supreme Court (approximately 631 decisions)

VersusLaw  Internet access to court opinions from the U.S. Supreme Court, all Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals and all state appellate courts.  Starts at $13.95 a month per attorney in the firm.

Federal Bureau of Prisons

Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF)

IRS Forms and Publications

Library of Congress

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